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The Overpopulation Conundrum of Austin, Texas.....

 Simply put, there are way too many humans living, residing and moving around in Central Austin, Texas. It's too packed with the human race. Despite Covid-19's best efforts of eliminating and yes killing the human race,  there are still way too many people residing in Austin, Texas. As actor Jeff Goldblum in the original Jurassic Park Movie says, "life finds a way."  Ughhh....

Austin Texas, a Boomtown City of now 1 million citizens or more, was NOT meant to be packed into a city or town originally created to perhaps inhabit 250,000 or 500,000 humans. I work as a residential realtor, but the core central Austin Commercial venues were not built nor designed to inhabit this Los Angeles, New York City to Austin Texas transplant boom. 

The overpopulation boom of Austin, Texas with daily new transplants is a real problem, here are some why observations....

 #1. The new full time resident transplants overall are welcoming, kind, pleasant, naïve and genuine.

 #2. It is not totally the transplants fault, as their previous residential cities and areas were either too expensive or unsustainable for long term life, 

#3. Why the hell are all of these NYC, or LA transplants choosing Austin, Texas? If these re-locators are really seeking a lower cost of living, why don't they move to Ohio or Nebraska?

 #4. The Texas Republican state leadership has created an economic friendly environment for corporate companies to easily re-locate to Austin and Texas. The Texas  and City Government municipalities have provided unnecessary and non-voter approved tax incentives to corporate greed America. But here's the thing, Texas and specifically the Austin City Limits does NOT need nor want economic development. Economic and business Stagnation would be wonderful! 

Moving along, there is simply NOT enough residential housing to house this current Austin and even Central Texas population boom going on amongst us.

 Humans keep living, people keep having sex, people keep having babies, the world's population (again despite Covid 19's best efforts) has continued to grow. Builders have NOT been able to keep up with the residential population boom. Here's a hot take of mine; perhaps the developers and builders of Central Texas have purposely NOT kept up with the housing and building demand to INCREASE their sale profits. Why pump more gas and oil, if Chevron is making more money with the current fixed or limited production supply? 

Capitalism in the United States is real. I personally embrace it. Yet, remember Capitalism is very cognizant and evident in the mind of American citizens and especially corporate companies. The local Mom & Pop Indie Companies are not as focused on greed. I believe Indie Companies operate in honesty, word of mouth, and innocence.  Here's another hot take of mine, corporate Companies in America should be taxed, heavily. Nationwide corporate companies do NOT enhance local communities, but instead try to create profits, undermine wages and transplant their profits to far away executives and unknown sources.  

How does Austin, Texas cure or deal with this rampant, ongoing, daily transplant citizen boom? I don't know, I just wish these transplants would move to somewhere else. Anywhere else. North Carolina? Arizona? Colorado? Tennessee? Austin Texas has now PASSED being FULL and, moved on to WAY TOO FULL. 


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