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Showing posts from June 2, 2024

Per Twitter @Nick Gerli "But perhaps the biggest market shift of them all is Austin, TX. Back in 2020 Austin was the #1 boomtown. With a forecast score of 82/100. Fast forward to today and Austin is at 31/100. And prices are falling fast."

 Per Twitter @Nick Gerli "But perhaps the biggest market shift of them all is Austin, TX. Back in 2020 Austin was the #1 boomtown. With a forecast score of 82/100. Fast forward to today and Austin is at 31/100. And prices are falling fast. Nick Gerli @nickgerli1

Per Austin Monitor; Austin City Council Approves Council approves 90-foot New Apartment & Mixed Use building for South Congress. St. Elmo neighborhood (next to Sagebrush Music Hall)

Per Austin Monitor; Austin City Council Approves Council approves 90-foot New Apartment & Mixed Use building for South Congress. St. Elmo neighborhood (next to Sagebrush Music Hall) Council approves 90-foot building for South Congress neighborhood THURSDAY, JUNE 6, 2024 BY  JO CLIFTON Facing a valid petition from the neighborhood, City Council provided the bare minimum of nine votes to approve zoning changes in the South Congress and Red Bird Lane neighborhood last week that will allow for development of 90-foot, 275-unit apartment complex as well as several thousand feet of retail space. Council Member Mackenzie Kelly voted no and Council Member Alison Alter was off the dais. According to the staff report, the developer “is proposing a development that would consist of approximately 250 multifamily units and 9600 square feet of ground floor, pedestrian oriented uses and intends to participate in the  DB90 combining district density bonus program .” The project appears to be the fi

Check it out. One of my Austin Silent Market real estate clients / friends has a TRAVEL YOU-TUBE channel. He and his wife scenically adventure through "Camino De Santiago de Espana."

Click here for the Travel You Tube Videos. Check it out Click here for the Travel You Tube Videos. Check it out One of my Austin Silent Market real estate clients / friends has a TRAVEL YOU-TUBE channel. He and his wife scenically adventure through "Camino De Santiago de Espana."