#1. We don't need your money. #2 Keep your Left Coast women, Southern Girls are wonderful, beautiful, kind and a plenty. #3 Screw your homeless, socialist, heavy-tax government is the answer philosophies.
So tonight, I was able to go mix it up in Downtown Austin, sans mask, freely at bars in the Dirty Sixth and Rainey Areas. Often as a friendly, outgoing, handsome and tall (6'1) gentlemen I converse with people, patrons, folks and visitors as a whole. In Downtown Austin, Texas tonight (6.5.2021) I encountered way too many Californian visitors. Honestly it was alarming how many people were from or visiting the ATX from California.
Can someone explain this California Tex-Odus to me? What is going on? Is this the Anti Manifest Destiny Doctrine going on? Society travels West, becomes disappointed and moves to the Central Southwestern USA? I don't get it, I don't understand it, and honestly I don't Like it. California has perfect weather, so stay there and leave Texans alone.
This one short guy native claiming Texan tonight said, "but the Californians are improving the economy." I should have barked back with, drink some milk and maybe you'll make it over 6 foot tall, you short economist. I mean really, why are the Californians literally fleeing their State of Cali for Texas, and specifically Austin, Texas. Humans don't physically flee, move and migrate when everything is kosher? The California Tex-Odus seems suspicious to me.
Californians are A. Driving Up the Cost of Living in Austin Texas & Texas in General. B. Bringing No cultural benefits to our city, zero. C. Draining the existing lifestyles and residents of Austin, Texas with their B.S. D. Texas and Texans are literally fine without them, as Californians are unnecessary and actually burdensome as they take up more physical human space, create waiting lines and increase car traffic. E. Californian transplants and visitors bring no cultural improvement to Texas, other than to stick their noise up in the air to occasionally state, "I'm from California." Like they won the USA battle medal of courage or something, but no they didn't do shit other than choose to migrate like a damn bird.
About me, I politically vote democrat and lean Central / Left. I eagerly voted for Joe Biden and enjoy his work and valiant efforts. Half of my McGee blood related family lives in parts of California. For example some of my aunts, uncles and cousins reside in Culver City LA, Long Beach CA, San Carlos CA, Santa Barbara CA, etc. I absolutely love my extended family, but they don't need to move to Texas.
Obviously there must be some human, and sociological problems within the current state of "Perfect Weather, Cool Kid" California, otherwise they wouldn't be moving or visiting Texas.
Basically, what I'm trying to say in this article is, "Dear California, don't bring your baggage and bull shit to my Austin, and Texas in general."
As a licensed Texas Real Estate Broker will I sell you some real estate, sure.
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